SideSqueeze+ Privacy Policy
What data is collected?
None. SideSqueeze+ does not collect any information about you. Nothing. At all. Zero. We believe that apps should be purchased based upon their merit, and not used as tools for data harvesting or advertising. As such, there is no need for us to know anything about you.
Does the SideSqueeze+ app have access to the internet?
No, it does not. By default Android allows any app you install to connect to the internet if the app requests to do so. SideSqueeze+ does not request it, therefore it cannot access the internet at all.
What about crash reports?
The Google Play framework automatically shows developers limited crash information when an app crashes. This data is anonymous and provided by Google, and contains basic things like OS version, app version, crash type, etc. It is used only to ensure proper operation of the app, and is never transferred to any third parties for any reason.
Last updated: 1/1/2022